By: Jim Martinho - Monday, Apr 28, 2014 - 9:56am
(Photo courtesy Roxbury Youth Orchestra)
Right now in Boston, it’s simultaneously Art Week, Lit Week, and Jazz Week. A film festival wraps up; comedy and photography festivals kick off. Now’s your chance to do something artsy so you won’t feel guilty about the hours and hours you spend watching sports or laughing at memes or whatever culturally bankrupt activities take up most of your time. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Apr 24, 2014 - 8:30am
(Photo credit: Krista/Creative Commons)
Just one more week of April showers left, so most of this weekend’s events are happening indoors. But then it’s all May flowers and sunshine from here on out! Or at least until the humidity kicks in and we get the occasional “summer shower” (that’s what I call it when you bump into a really sweaty guy on the T). (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Apr 17, 2014 - 10:11am
(Photo credit: Thomas/Creative Commons)
The world descends on Boston with a very special Marathon Monday coming up, and the city’s slate of events rises to the occasion. If you’re hanging out with any runners this weekend, remember that it’s just good etiquette to pay for their beers. They need the carbs, after all. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Apr 17, 2014 - 3:05am
When you shave with Gillette razors or pick up a Harpoon variety pack on your way to a friend’s place, you’re probably aware that you’re helping out a Boston business. But did you know you’re also supporting a homegrown product anytime you track your pace with RunKeeper, pay for something with LevelUp, or have that Harpoon beer delivered to your front door with Drizly?
Or maybe you’re thinking, “Wait a second — I can have beer delivered to my front door?”
That’s why Tom O’Keefe started #DownloadBoston. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Monday, Apr 14, 2014 - 7:02pm
(Photo courtesy pointnshoot/Creative Commons)
You’re going to need something to do this week once you’ve filed your taxes and finally catch up on your Sunday-night DVR backlog. (This season of “Call the Midwife” is insane, right?) So catch a documentary, take in opening night at the theatre, give blood in exchange for pizza, or chase oysters with beer. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Apr 10, 2014 - 11:53am
(Photo credit: iLikeSpoons/Creative Commons)
This week, take a walk down the runway, take a long look at some priceless art, and take a break from a road race to eat burgers. Oh and take a laser to some chocolate, because why not? (more…)
By: Georgia Paraskevopoulou - Tuesday, Apr 8, 2014 - 1:20am

Haven’t we all, from time to time, questioned ourselves whether this is a good picture? Even photographers frequently don’t know how to think about pictures. We tend to say “I like it” and then, when it comes to “why is it nice,” often it goes unanswered. If vision is the ultimate end to end tool, I can’t help but wonder if the way we see, or better yet look at the world, could be frankly very subjective. Having said that, we can not ignore one exception to the rule: Brian!
Brian learned photography in the auto-didactic manner and there isn’t a day that goes by without experimenting on new angles and places or improving the style and texture of a picture. His gallery offers dynamic views of the city, illuminated with lyrical sensitivity. Lucky enough to spend some time with Brian, we are going to unfold the way he shaped his IG account through this last year and discover the aspects that have made him Boston’s favorite “Iger.”
To start, when was your “initiation” to Instagram? Were you into photography before that?
Not really. I always thought it was weird that people obsessed over those little square photos on their phones. But then I started instagramming my walk to work last April, and now I am as obsessed as anyone.
Acorn Street by @brianmcw
What kind of camera do you use and what is your most used application before uploading a picture? (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Monday, Apr 7, 2014 - 1:21pm
(Nao the Robot. Photo credit: Stephen Chin/Creative Commons)
There’s a little something for everyone coming up this week in Boston: Sonnets for Shakespeare lovers, documentaries for dancers, and food for people who consume food. People who aren’t robots, that is. Just watch out for robots this week, OK? (more…)
By: Mike - Tuesday, Apr 1, 2014 - 12:38am

Photo via @thebostoncal on Instagram
Somerville, MA — Bansky will reportedly be just outside of Boston, MA next weekend scouting locations for his newest project, Exit Through the Landfill. This groundbreaking film will highlight the work of the mostly unknown NOT ART guy of Somerville.
Banksy revealed in an interview yesterday with UK’s Aesthetica magazine he considers NOT ART to be in the same leauge as Brisbane graffiti artist Fintan Magee. In the article Banksy was quoted, “Not Art captures quite clearly the notion that, what looks like art, is infact not, not art.”
If you live in Boston chances are you have seen the words “NOT ART” tagged on open-air objects. On February 3rd WGBH’s Abbie Ruzicka interviewed the NOT ART creator in which the artist ranted, “We’re so sick of seeing Picassos sell for millions of dollars just because they say Picasso. You know, people aren’t looking at the art any more, they’re looking at the signature. And Not Art in itself is a signature.”
I have to admit, the idea of a local artist backed by Banksy is exciting and could stencil Somerville, MA on the map.