By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Jun 25, 2015 - 4:19pm

We really are spoiled here in the summers, and I don’t just mean because we get so used to warm weather that the air conditioning in a chilly restaurant feels worse than all of February’s blizzards combined. I mean because there’s so much stuff to do. This week Cambridge throws down on Mass Ave, Everett gets a new craft distillery, and the Museum of Science explains the, um, science, behind Pixar movies. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Sunday, Jun 21, 2015 - 1:30am

Welcome back, summer. We missed you. Your long days and cool nights. Your smells: briny beach air and freshly cut grass and barbecue/lighter fluid. But most of all? We missed your free stuff to do. From film screenings, live music, and fitness series for every day of the week to all of the area’s classic street fairs and arts festivals, here’s 125 free events to keep your calendar (and your wallet) full this summer.
Festivals & Street Fairs

By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Jun 4, 2015 - 1:02pm
(Photo credit: People’s Sculpture Racing)
Don’t let the April-ish weather we’ve been getting keep you from all of the summer-themed parties this week, because summer is just a state of mind, anyways: A mind in a drunk enough state that instead of listening when your body parts say they’re freezing it’s like “Shut up, torso, we’ll put a shirt on when it’s snowing.”