By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Oct 30, 2014 - 3:33pm
(Photo credit: Anji Barton/Creative Commons)
Are you tired of the Halloween house party scene? Sick of finishing just out of the medals in bar costume contests? There’s much more to do this Halloween weekend, so you don’t have to stay home and hand out candy to an endless parade of Elsas whose parents aren’t even much older than you and somehow can afford to own property in your neighborhood, and that is truly frightening. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Oct 23, 2014 - 4:58pm
(Photo credit: Boston Circus Guild)
Happy Halloweek! That’s “Halloween” plus “week” and it’s what I’m calling the weeklong extravaganza of Halloween events starting tonight all over the city. May your candy bars all be king-sized, your costumes half-assed but hilarious, and your candy corn nonexistent because it’s gross and no one should have to eat that stuff, not even children. Not even children, you guys. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Oct 16, 2014 - 3:05pm
(Photo credit: Lorianne DiSabato/Creative Commons)
We’re getting into prime leaf-peeping season around town, so when you’re on your way to this week’s events, try to look up from your phone once in a while. Unless you were just looking at the Google image results for “leaves,” in which case carry on, because real-life trees do not feature high-density retina display. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Oct 9, 2014 - 12:19pm
(Photo credit: Gianluca Sciannameo/Creative Commons)
Five hundred and some odd years ago, Columbus discovered America, kind of in the same way models get “discovered” by creepy agents at the mall. He gave America its big break! Here’s how to celebrate your three-day weekend if you’re lucky enough to work for the government or other employers that value a healthy work-life balance. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Friday, Oct 3, 2014 - 9:52am

(Photo credit: Christopher Lehault/Creative Commons)
Get ready for another week of fun events, including a ton on Sunday for those of you who are boycotting the NFL due to the domestic violence controversy, the debilitating effects of concussions, or just because seriously what is the deal with the Patriots. Stop playing like the Bills and start playing like the Patriots. You are the only good thing about winter.