By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Feb 26, 2015 - 1:22pm
(Photo credit: PlayCity/Creative Commons)
See ya later, February! Good riddance to one of the worst months in Boston history: The most snow we’ve ever had in a month, the most expletive-riddled tweets ever directed at a single public agency (the T), and the most times you slipped on some ice and almost fell but didn’t but almost kind of wished you did because you could give up and just lay there until spring. It’s hard to believe it was only last month that the Patriots won the Super Bowl. Wait, that happened in February? February 1st? GREATEST MONTH EVAH. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Monday, Feb 23, 2015 - 10:24am
(Photo credit: Pere Ubu/Creative Commons)
Somehow February is the shortest month of the year but still feels like the longest, like how stupid tiny dogs bark the most because they don’t know how stupid and tiny they are. Shut up, February, no one likes you and it’s really not cool for your owner to bring you on the T. Here’s some stuff to do this week to help you make it to March, which is also awful, but it’s one step closer to not-awful months like April and May. (more…)
By: Jim Martinho - Thursday, Feb 19, 2015 - 2:18pm

Between all the events rescheduled from last weekend and lots of new stuff, you have plenty of options to get out and support local artists and businesses. They’ll be extra happy to see you, and you’ll be extra happy to be there, probably because it took four hours on the T, but you made it so have some fun and forget all the times you cursed out all of humanity in the past week. (more…)
By: yiseowl - Monday, Feb 16, 2015 - 5:29pm
There’s currently more snow on the ground in Boston than ever before in recorded history. Between a series of four major snowstorms in less than a month — as well as ongoing freezing cold temperatures — the snow is just piling up (and not melting). The sheer volume of snow in Boston right now is unprecedented, and therein lies the biggest problem the City of Boston and its residents are facing: too much snow. Following yesterday’s blizzard, the Blue Hills Observatory in Milton reported 46 inches of snow on the ground, the greatest snow depth in their 130 years of recorded observations…
Since the Valentine’s Weekend Blizzard, Boston’s official “snow depth” has not been recorded at Logan Airport, but based on the below snow depth report (2/16) for the greater Boston area, it’s probably safe to assume there’s at least 40+ inches of snow is on the ground in Boston proper right now…

MA “snow depth” totals in inches, via NOAA
Suffice to say, Boston is buried in snow right now (to historic proportions), and in light of that, we collected a bunch of social media images of the city following yesterday’s blizzard. Boston is going through tough times right now, and at the same time, there’s a certain harmony amidst the chaos…
Artist rendition (exaggeration) of Boston right now

This image was taken (from space) right before “Neptune” by NASA’s Terry W. Virts

Note to shovelers, via reddit Boston
By: yiseowl - Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 - 4:05pm

UPDATE: Due to a successful initiative, Only In Boston & The Boston Calendar have partnered with the Red Sox to extend this offer until Wednesday!
It’s time to help dig Boston out of this blizzard. Thanks to Only In Boston, The Boston Calendar, & the Red Sox, claim responsibility for clearing out fire hydrants after Winter Storm Neptune & get rewarded Sox tickets for your efforts.
How does this work?
If you (or group of people) clear out 5 fire hydrants of snow sometime now til 3:00pm, Wednesday, February 18th, 2015, we will award you a pair of Red Sox tickets to this upcoming 2015 season.
Q: Which fire hydrants can I clear out?
A: Eligible fire hydrants are those located in the city of Boston (including associated neighborhoods listed on the map linked to below)
Q: What does clearing out a fire hydrant mean?
A: Firefighters need the area 3 feet around the fire hydrant (with path to street) in order for it to be considered clear. Please do not shovel snow into the street.
Q: How will we know that you cleared out a fire hydrant?
A: Email onlyinbos[@] with the following information:
- Address or street of where the fire hydrant is located.
- Continue the same process for all fire hydrants cleared.
- A before shot selfie of the non shoveled fire hydrant & a post shoveled out fire hydrant selfie that shows the cleared out fire hydrant. The post shot should be clear enough for us to determine that a fire hydrant has been cleared 3 feet all around.
Q: Where are fire hydrants located in Boston?
A: Use the following link:
Q: What if we’re a group of 3+ people?
A: For every group that clears out 5 fire hydrants, we’ll award them two tickets. If a group of two clears out 5 hydrants, we’ll award 2 tickets (1 ticket each). If you are a group of 3 people, you’ll need to clear 10 fire hydrants in order to get 4 tickets.
Q: How many Red Sox tickets will we give out?
A: Until supply lasts. We’ll let everyone know on our social media if tickets have ran out.
By: yiseowl - Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 - 10:13pm

Juno. Linus. Marcus. Now “Neptune.” Either Mother Nature’s cheating on Boston with those people, or currently living life vicariously. Either way, she’s been sketch, and as far as Boston’s concerned, it’s over. Done. Boston would’ve loved to bring her out for a fancy V-Day dinner at Eastern Standard in Kenmore, but she had to go and work herself into a blizzard.
So here we are going through our fourth major snowstorm in less than month. Mother Nature is clearly not taking this breakup that well. Soon it’s restraining order time, because at this point her wrath could perpetuate until early March.
With yet another snowstorm in the works, The Boston Calendar (TBC) caught up Operational Scientist Michael Ventrice of WSI Energy Weather (the professional division of The Weather Channel) to gather some information about the this weekend’s blizzard, the deal with this unusual pattern of weather, and what might come of … Wednesday’s snowstorm!
TBC: As of 2pm EST Saturday (2/14), how much how much snow do you think Boston will get? Also, how windy do you expect to to get, and will winds exceed those experienced in Blizzard Nemo and/or Juno?
Ventrice: It’s going to come down to localized mesoscale features associated with the storm itself for an accurate forecast. My best guess would be 4-8″ for Boston, with locally higher amounts possible over the Cape. Projected sustained wind speeds are forecast to be around 30mph with gusts in the 40-60mph range. This is comparable to a tropical storm or low-grade category 1 hurricane, which would result in less intense winds than both Nemo (80+mph) and Juno (70+mph).

Current snow accumulation forecast via NOAA.
How concerned should Bostonians be about losing electricity as part of the Valentine’s Weekend Blizzard?
Ventrice: While any storm capable of producing wind speeds equivalent to a tropical storm is worrisome, the fact that it will be so cold outside during the peak of the snow and wind makes this aspect slightly less of a concern. Sub-30F temperatures will yield more powdery snow, which will have less of a chance to plaster onto tree branches that then can fall down onto power lines.
TBC: Is there is any truth behind the below statement, which theorizes that jet streams are getting “stuck” in place as a result of climate change, making major winter storms more common?
The prevailing theory seems to be that changing conditions in the Arctic are causing a weakening or destabilization of the jet streams. The jet streams suddenly have a weird propensity to get stuck. These type of snow events could become more common in the near future. Alternatively, we could also see a winter in the near future with average high temperatures in the mid 40s. [Source]
Ventrice: While we still don’t understand the dynamics of climate change and this year is far from over, we do know that we have had comparable winters in the past. The question is then deferred to if we are observing true anthropogenically forced alterations in circulation, or rather it is just part of a naturally varying cycle forced by slow changes in ocean currents that have been well documented in literature.
TBC: What can you say about Wednesday, February 18th’s potential storm? Could it be as powerfully as the current one?
Ventrice: While there is still room to change in our computer weather models regarding the Wednesday storm, at this point in time there is a chance that this storm will have equal to our possibly higher snowfall totals across the Greater Boston region when compared to our upcoming blizzard this Valentine’s Day weekend. This being said, the potential Wednesday storm will likely lack the wind component to be comparable to the Winter Storm Neptune.
TBC: Finally, granted all the snow that’s already fallen this season, is there anything that specifically concerns you about yet another snowstorm in such a short period of time? And/or do you have any advice for Bostonians as they prepare for the storm?
Ventrice: I wish I could give some good news here but unfortunately there are signs in our computer models for another possible snowfall event later next week (sometime between Sunday, February 22 and Monday, February 23). With the current jet stream pattern looking to stay locked in through potentially early March, there are risks for future snow storm events in the Greater Boston area through the remainder of February. My advice to us Bostononians is to help each other and remain civil under such harsh winter conditions. We are in this all together and we will pull through together. Keep up to date with what’s going on with the weather as there will be full coverage available to you by the Weather Channel and or your local new station.

At this rate, Boston will look like this until March (photo taken post Nemo)
By: yiseowl - Friday, Feb 6, 2015 - 4:22pm
After Wednesday’s Victory Parade, Patriots players Julian Edelman (WR), Kyle Arrington (CB), and Michael Buchanan (DE) were invited to party at The Phoenix SK Club (one of eight male “final clubs” at Harvard). Interestingly, the party was mostly attended by Boston University sorority girls, rather than Harvard students. BroBible reports the Partiots players wanted lots of girls (obviously), so the all male Finals Club called up a BU sorority and told them to come over. Based on the pictures and video below, it seems everything worked out.
We did a GPS based Instagram and twitter search within 100m of The Phoenix SK Club and were able to find some pictures from the party…
[Someone posted a video of Edleman at the party on Instagram, but it was deleted shortly after this blog post was published]

Some of the ladies that attended the party…
By: yiseowl - Wednesday, Feb 4, 2015 - 7:00pm
Today’s Victory Parade was a thing of beauty. Sure the Patriots have 4 Super Bowl wins in less than 15 years, but this one was still 10 years in the works. Two heartbreaking Super Bowl losses, a closing Brady/Belichick window, Gronk finally healthy, DeflateGate, etc. etc. — Super Bowl 49 was quite possibly the most satisfying win in New England sports history. These guys earned their right to celebrate, and thousands of fans were on hand to congratulate them. A lot of these images are via two great sources for Patriots info: @OnlyInBOS & r/Patriots. If you’re unaware of them, get on it….
Summer Of Gronk.

Via @amill34 on twitter
Hey Gronk, what’s your favorite number?

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Hey Sherman, how many rings does Brady have?

Via @HeyRatty on twitter
Here’s where that sign came from

Via r/Patriots