A Rolling Rally to Remember
By: yiseowl - Wednesday, Feb 4, 2015 - 7:00pm
Today’s Victory Parade was a thing of beauty. Sure the Patriots have 4 Super Bowl wins in less than 15 years, but this one was still 10 years in the works. Two heartbreaking Super Bowl losses, a closing Brady/Belichick window, Gronk finally healthy, DeflateGate, etc. etc. — Super Bowl 49 was quite possibly the most satisfying win in New England sports history. These guys earned their right to celebrate, and thousands of fans were on hand to congratulate them. A lot of these images are via two great sources for Patriots info: @OnlyInBOS & r/Patriots. If you’re unaware of them, get on it….
Summer Of Gronk.

Via @amill34 on twitter
Hey Gronk, what’s your favorite number?

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Hey Sherman, how many rings does Brady have?

Via @HeyRatty on twitter
Here’s where that sign came from

Via r/Patriots
Troll level: Master

Via Imgur.com

Via r/Boston
Butler holding up the keys to his new truck

Via r/Patriots

Via r/Patriots
Belichick is certainly smiling now
Via r/Patriots
Gisele posted this to IG before her BAEs headed to the parade

Via @giseleofficial on Instagram

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Closer up

Via @SportsCenter on twitter
The greatest owner NFL History

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
The Hero. Malcolm Butler.

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Need. MORE. Gronk.

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Fireman Gronk

Via @WBUR on twitter

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
On top of the WORLD!

Via @NFL on twitter

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Kisses from Shane Vereen
Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Patriots Nation out in full force

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
Patriots Champion flag installed on top of the Old Hancock Building

Via @OnlyInBOS on twitter
The Rolling Rally from above

Via @veemdog on twitter